Material tester metal (f/m/x).

Curiosity is the best material for the future. Are you curious and have an eye for detail? Then this training is just right for you. Whether steel, textile, leather, non-ferrous metals or synthetics - our premium vehicles use a wide variety of materials and you are the expert. Because you know them all and know how they are composed and what properties they have. Nothing escapes your close look, and nothing works in our production without your precise inspection.

What you will learn with us.

  • Operation of high-tech test equipment
  • Testing of materials for production
  • Focus on metal
  • Investigation of properties and composition of alloys
  • Basic knowledge of destructive and non-destructive test methods
  • Trial preparation and sampling

What you can expect afterwards.

  • Unlimited direct entry with above-tariff conditions
  • Collaboration in the area of quality assurance for troubleshooting the product
  • Participation in damage investigation, in process control in manufacturing or in development departments
  • Various training and specialisation options such as master craftsman (f/m/x) or technician (f/m/x)

What you should bring along.

  • A passion for modern technology and physics
  • The desire to work with precision and detail
  • A logical mind and intuitive understanding of technical devices
  • Enthusiasm for analysing and solving problems on your own
  • Enjoy working in a team
  • Confidence in working with numbers and calculations
  • Fluent in German (B2 level)
  • An intermediate school-leaving certificate or advanced school-leaving certificate (A-Levels)


We offer you a takeover guarantee in the plants, attractive remuneration including Christmas and holiday pay, apprentice vehicle rental, optional stays abroad and many other benefits.

Apprenticeship duration.

3,5 years with the possibility to shorten the apprenticeship duration in case of very good school and company performances.

Apprenticeship locations.

The right application.

To apply for an apprenticeship at the BMW Group, please complete the following steps. Information on the application period can be found on the webpage of the location where you would like to start your apprenticeship (see below).

Page Overview: Material Tester Metal