I have been able to assume a great deal of responsibility from the outset and I learned most this way.
The picture shows an intern within Gamification at BMW.

In this interview Theresa tells us that gamification is not as abstract and theoretical as it sounds and what you can do with the Master of Media and Communication Programme beyond completing a master's thesis at the BMW Group.

 "Prior to this I did not really have anything to do with logistics - but that is exactly what I find so great at the BMW Group. I can also gather experience in subjects which are not even mentioned during one’s studies. In my master’s thesis, I am busying myself with gamification. Many different business sectors are researching this subject, including logistics. The communication sciences are also a sector which should be looking into this subject".

So what does gamification actually mean? Theresa explains that it is about presenting boring-sounding activities in a playful way, so that the user likes to perform them. Her maser’s thesis has a clear goal: Things that sound boring or that one does not like doing should be presented in a playful way so that the user likes to perform them. Transferring this to the world of work means enriching processes with gaming elements to make them more interesting. Ultimately it is about motivating employees. When components are selected daily for assembly, augmented reality glasses provide visual support for the part picking process and enrich it with playfulness". A status bar for good performance or a badge if you have done something right - these are just some of Theresa's ideas which she will soon discuss with gamification experts and finally test on employees.

Theresa appreciates her freedom at the BMW group: "I have been able to assume a great deal of responsibility from the outset. It was often like being dropped in at the deep end, but I learned most this way." Best of all I really like that you absorb such a lot from different areas that you do not cover during your studies. You network a lot more and that is certain to help you much more in your future working life!"

Page Overview: Popup Interview Theresa