As a recruiter, I work in the area of recruitment for all apprenticeships at the Munich location. Even during my own apprenticeship at the BMW Group, I particularly liked the Recruiting department.
For me, it is something very special to introduce future generations to the BMW Group as an employer. I am proud to be able to accompany young people at the start of their careers. For me, an apprenticeship at the BMW Group is an excellent basis for starting a broad career in one of the best companies. The fact that our Research and Innovation Centre (FIZ) and our corporate headquarters are located in Munich means that you cannot get any closer to the “pulse” of the company, which makes Munich so special for me. In addition, Munich is a cosmopolitan city, where you can enjoy a lot of leisure time in addition to work.
My application tip for you: Find out more about our company through internet research, school pupil internships, your circle of friends or other sources. But what is even more important: Conduct research about your dream job and get an idea of what it means to follow this profession. Because only if you really like a job, you will go to work with joy in the long term.
I am proud to be able to accompany young people at the start of their careers.
Recruiter Apprenticeships

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