I am motivated by my exciting and varied tasks and the daily responsibility I am given. Learning something new every day and the feeling of working on exciting and thrilling technologies makes me look forward to every other day at the BMW Group.
Trainee Purchasing & Quality.

Katharina studied Industrial Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz before starting as a Trainee Purchasing & Supplier Network at the BMW Group.

Katharina, the areas of work in which trainees are deployed are very diverse. Which departments have you already had the opportunity to get to know?

Right! The opportunity to get insights into four different departments is great. During my first assignment in quality management for e-drive technologies, I was already able to gain some experience. I dealt with exciting industrialisation projects for bought-in parts that are used for high-voltage storage systems. Currently, I am a member of the planning team for the production of e-drives and work in plant project management.

What key skills do you think are particularly important for your job and for the trainee programme?

The knowledge in the field of e-mobility is continuously developing and changing. That's why it's important to remain curious and open to new things with regard to this topic. In addition, a certain flexibility is necessary in order to be able to adapt quickly to unknown situations. This applies not only to the field of work, but also to the trainee programme.


What makes working at the BMW Group, especially in the AcceleratiON programme, special for you?

The passion that the colleagues put into the products every day because of their personal conviction is incredible. All employees stand behind the product and their work. In addition, the large network at the BMW Group, across different areas and departments, is an absolute plus. The trainee programme helps you making many different contacts and get to know people with different professions.

Do you have a particular highlight in your time as a trainee so far?

There have been so many exciting moments that I can't limit myself to a single one. The various training courses and discussions with senior managers as part of the programme were incredible experiences. The production assignment at the Munich plant or the support for test setups of high-voltage storage systems were also great insights – to name just a few of my highlights at the BMW Group.

What motivates you to work at the BMW Group every day?

I am motivated by my exciting and varied tasks and the daily responsibility I am given. Learning something new every day and the feeling of working on exciting technology makes me look forward to every day at the BMW Group.

Do you have any advice for anyone interested in the AcceleratiON programme?

If you are interested in the trainee programme at the BMW Group, be clear about your strengths and goals. Be clear about what you want to achieve and whether the programme really suits you and your interests in order to participate successfully and enjoyably. Because if this is the case, you can achieve a lot at the BMW Group with passion and commitment.

Seitenübersicht: Katharina