During the long Pentecostal weekend, tens of thousands of visitors could meet our colleagues at the Debrecen Drive and at the World Championship race held at the Perényi Pál Slag Motor Stadium. At our custom-designed outdoor booth, we filled out almost a thousand questionnaires and we were pleased to see how interested visitors are in our iFactory currently under construction, and follow the news about it.
The events of the pentecostal long weekend ended with great success.

Debrecen Drive is an important event for the BMW Group Palnt Debrecen, as the organizers said they were inspired by the announcement of the BMW Group in 2018 to host an event where they bring together the region's community of car and motorcycle enthusiasts, in which they expected undeniable growth with the construction of the Debrecen factory. Today we are proud to announce that their calculations were right, and in 2023, between 27-28 May in Nagyerdő, we could represent BMW Group Pant Debrecen as a priority partner in the heart of the event at the two-day event attracting 33,000 visitors.
As the largest automotive industry exhibit in Eastern Hungary, Debrecen Drive provides a great opportunity to meet and talk to those who are passionate about cars and motorcycles, and to give them an insight into the team building the state-of-the-art BMW plant and the culture surrounding our operations. Our uniquely designed stand located in the highlighted and frequented area of the event, the surrounding chill zone and the two fully electric BMW iX models on display attracted the attention of those interested from afar and almost a thousand people played with us in our playful quiz for prizes as well.
After the busy Saturday and Sunday, the HR Marketing and Recruitment activities continued on Monday, May 29, but this time we moved from the Great Forest to the Perényi Pál Slag Motor Stadium. Despite the rainy weather in the morning, nearly 4,000 guests visited the Salakmotor World Championship.
At both events, our main goal was to talk about the future of the factory and career opportunities with interested visitors, and to find out what they think and know about us, our state-of-the-art iFactory under construction, our sustainability strategy and the latest Neue Klasse model family. The success of the weekend is reflected not only in the fact that we reached tens of thousands of people, but also in the pride our colleagues represent the BMW Group Factory Debrecen at this type of event, and with the pleasure that anyone is talking about our cars or their work.
If you couldn't make it last week, you can meet us on our upcoming events. Look for our team on June 17, 2023 at the Perényi Pál Slag Motor Stadium and at the Campus Festival July 19-23, 2023. See you there!