The environmental education programme titled ‘Be Environmentally Conscious, Prevent Waste’ was held in Debrecen for primary and secondary school students for the second time. The all-day event aimed to raise awareness among the younger generation concerning the importance of environmentally conscious mindset. In 2023, BMW Group Plant Debrecen joined the initiative as main sponsor.
Sustainability of the future starts today: BMW Group Plant Debrecen joins an environmental awareness event for students in Debrecen.

Last week of April is the nationwide Sustainability Theme Week in Hungary. In framework of this week, Food Rescue Association of Hajdú-Bihar County and Virtuosos organised their “Be Environmentally Conscious, Prevent Waste” program once again, joined by the “No Leftovers” working group of the National Food Chain Safety Authority (NÉBIH), the Debrecen School District Centre, the Vocational Training Centre of Debrecen (DSZC).
Thanks to these educational partners, around 2,000 students attended the event held at Kölcsey Center.“Environment protection and environmental conscious mindset are to find in every youngster, so I’m convinced that these kind of programs will have fruitful results” – stressed László Papp, Mayor of Debrecen. The team of BMW Group Plant Debrecen is a proud supporter of the programme, as it simultaneously concerns two key areas for the company: education and sustainability. Both topics require long-term thinking and investment in the future, which is why it is important to reach out to and engage younger generations, as their education and the novel vision and ideas they have provide opportunities for innovation and renewal – both from an environmental and an economic point of view. „You are the future, what we do today for the environment is hopefully only the beginning that you’ll be able to develop and make much more significant and Gyár Debrecen efficient. Your contribution can make the difference in making our Planet Earth more liveable” – emphasised Hans-Peter Kemser, director of BMW Group Plant Debrecen. BMW Group aims to actively contribute to the education of Debrecen and the region by establishing strong cooperation on every level of education, starting from kindergarten care.
This sustainability event involved primary and secondary school students, as environmental education cannot start early enough. Regarding vocational education, it was announced last week, that the first class of 100 technician apprentices to start their dual training programme at BMW Group Plant Debrecen in September 2023, have been selected through the cooperation with DSZC. Concerning academic level, it was also revealed just a few days ago, that BMW Group offers 10 full-tuition scholarships for Hungarians for the Global Online MBA programme of ESMT (European School of Management & Technology) in Berlin. Click here for more details and to apply.
Located on an area of more than 400 hectares in the north-western part of Debrecen, the plant will be the first unit within the Group to be developed entirely along the iFACTORY concept from the initial design phase, in the spirit of lean, green, and digital. This includes, among others, planting of 4,500 trees, establishment of an onsite solar park, and the development of a long-term, comprehensive biodiversity strategy tailored to Debrecen. In addition to the most environmentally friendly production technology possible, the NEUE KLASSE models, debuting in Debrecen, will be manufactured, to a significant extent, from recycled and reused materials (plastics and metals) in line with the principles of circular economy.
BMW Group is building a comprehensive vehicle factory in Debrecen with a press shop, body shop, paint shop, vehicle assembly, as well as a unique battery module plant, which will allow the in-house assembly of the battery cells necessary for the electric drive. Located on an area of more than 400 hectares in the north-western part of Debrecen, the plant will be the first unit within the Group to be developed entirely along the iFACTORY concept from the initial design phase, in the spirit of efficient, environmentally friendly, and digitalised production. According to the plans, BMW Group Plant Debrecen will start production in 2025 with more than 1,500 employees.