Our unique corporate culture.

What makes our corporate culture so unique? Our passion! Because someone who does great things day after day doesn’t just have a job – they have a calling.

Our core values.

BMW Mitarbeiter sitzt an seinem Laptop und führt eine Unterhaltung.


We reflect on our actions, respect each other, offer clear feedback and celebrate success.

Mehrere Kolleg:innen in einer Besprechung.


We are excited by change and open to new opportunities. We learn from our mistakes.

Eine Kollegin erklärt einem Kollegen etwas an einem Board in der Produktion.


We take consistent decisions and commit to them personally. This allows us to work freely and more effectively.

Zwei Kolleg:innen unterhalten sich im Gehen.


We acknowledge concerns and identify inconsistencies in a constructive way. We act with integrity.

Zwei Kolleginnen unterhalten sich im Flur.


We trust and rely on each other. This is essential if we are to act swiftly and achieve our goals.

Page Overview: Our Culture